Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Orthodox Jewish Wedding

1. What is the day of the Wedding and its significance?

2. Have you selected a venue? Is there adequate room for dancing?

3. Is there a Mechitza?

4. Have you selected a Rabbi to perform the wedding?

5. Have you selected a Softer to write Ketuba?

6. Have you chosen a printer to do your invitations that is familiar with Orthodox

7. Advise caterers that this is a Kosher Wedding and give approximate number of

8. Discuss dress code with women taking part in the ceremony.

9. Have Chuppa made of velvet cloth or prayer shawl.

10. Get Plain Wedding Bands (no engraving)

11. Bride needs thick veil.

12. Set up a time for veiling ritual before actual wedding service.

13. Designate 7 men to say blessings over wine under canopy.

14. Provide glass of wine to be drunk as blessings are said under Chuppa, and then
to be be broken.

15. Reserve private room for couple to share immediately after ceremony.

16. Will a wedding jester be needed?

17. Make sure there are chairs for bride and groom to be hoisted on.

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